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Swallow Union Update

Week of February 27th, 2023

Message from the Principal

As a school district, we have been working on aligning our district core values of ABCD=E at the building level.  As a community, we strive to build a school district with learning environments that:

  • All students and staff feel ACCEPTED

  • All students and staff believe they BELONG

  • ALL students and staff recognize their responsibility to contribute to the school COMMUNITY positively

  • Where the growth of all students and staff is supported and enriched by a DISTRICT WIDE MULTI-TIERED SYSTEM OF SUPPORT


Here at Swallow Union, we have refined and established these values for our school community ~ educators and students alike.  Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles shape behavior and can help people understand the difference between what is expected and unexpected.  We will be sharing more in the weeks ahead as we move forward into some action steps with our students on learning what it means to be a TI-GRRR, what it looks and sounds like in every space in our school, and why these are important in shaping who we are and who we will become.  Stay tuned!

Reminder for Parents/Guardians

Morning Arrival

If you have arrived at school and there are no staff on duty outside the school, you are considered late.  It happens, not to worry!  Please park your vehicle in a parking space and walk your child into the office to be marked present.  It is unsafe to drop them off, leave, or park in the fire lane.  Thank you in advance as student safety is our priority and having proper attendance records also ensures this.

UPDATE ** Craft Fair - Rescheduled

Due to the impending storm, the Dunstable 350th Committee and Swallow Union PTO craft fair organizers have rescheduled the CRAFT FAIR at the Dunstable Church. The new date is Saturday, March 11, 2023, from noon to 3 pm.

Trimester 2

Trimester 2 ends on March 17th and report cards will be posted to the portal on April 4th, 2023.


Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year will open on Friday, March 10th.  Please visit the Kindergarten Information page for more information.  Kindergarten Information Night will be held, in person, at each Elementary School on Thursday, March 9th from 6:30 to 7:30.  Information will be updated as available.  

GDRSD also has information on our website regarding our Kindergarten Program.

Message from the Health Office

Beginning the week of March 27th during PE class, the nurses will be measuring heights and weights and calculating BMI for all students in Grades 1 and 4.  This is required annually by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.  All data will be provided to the MA DPH anonymously. This information is not automatically sent home to parents, however, if you wish to see your child’s BMI results, you may contact the nurse and we will be happy to provide this for you. Parents and guardians may also request, in writing, that their child not participate in this program.  Please use this link BMI Screening Refusal Form (print and send in with your child or email it to jgervais@gdrsd.org or kdeloureiro@gdrsd.org) to inform the health office of your intent to opt your child out no later than Friday, March 17th.

SEPAC Events

 G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events

Important Dates:

March 3rd - Early Release PD - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

March 9th - Kindergarten Information Night (Parents/Guardians Only) - 6:30 pm

March 10th - Early Release PD - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

March 16th - 2nd Grade Chorus Concert - 7:00 pm

March 17th - Early Release Parent Conferences - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

March 24th - PTO Tiger Twist Dance @ SU 6:00-8:00 pm

March 30th - PTO Meeting 7:00 pm - Meet & Greet with Principal Jarvis