Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination, Hate, and Bias Prevention & Intervention

The Groton Dunstable Regional School District is committed to enhancing and sustaining a safe and healthy learning environment for all. The Groton Dunstable Regional School District will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behavior, including any form of bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or retaliation, in our school buildings, on school grounds, or in school-related activities. The District will promptly investigate all reports and complaints of bullying, cyber-bullying and retaliation, and take prompt action to end that behavior and to restore the target’s sense of safety. We will support this commitment in all aspects of our school community, including curricula, instructional programs, staff development, extracurricular activities, and parent or guardian involvement. The Groton Dunstable Regional School District affords all students the same protections regardless of their legal status under the law.  

For any questions related to the information shared on this page don't hesitate to contact Jill Greene, Director of Student Services, at jgreene@gdrsd.org.

District Bullying Plan

The Groton Dunstable Regional School District Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan was developed to meet the requirements of M.G.L. c. 71, S370 and is modeled after the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Model Plan for dealing with bullying behaviors in our schools. The Plan includes strategies for identifying, reporting and responding to bullying behaviors. The words 'target' instead of 'victim ' and 'aggressor' instead of 'bully' are used throughout this document to be consistent with language used by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

To access the District Bullying Plan, please click the image below:

District Bullying Plan

Procedures for Reporting Alleged Bullying, Cyberbullying, Retaliation, or Other Related Concerns

To report an incident of bullying, cyberbullying, retaliation, harassment, hate, and/or bias, please use the form linked below. You may also report incidents by calling your student's school directly.