Swallow Union Update

Week of December 5th, 2022

Photo Credit: Nicole Pelletier& Family

 Message from Mrs. Jarvis, Principal

This week we had several activities happening in our school to enhance the learning experiences for our students.  Our Kindergarteners worked on their gross motor skills, eye-hand coordination, math language, and social skills as they engaged in the Acton Discovery Museum Bubble Enrichment Program.  The Winter Store (thank you PTO!) was a wonderful opportunity for our students to show their thoughtfulness and appreciation for their family members as we approach the holiday season.  Finally, an outstanding job by three of our Student Council members (Abby D, Jyda H, and Kate N) at Wednesday night’s School Committee meeting where they led the evening with The Pledge of Allegiance and had the opportunity to ask our School Committee members a few questions. 

Our Student Council has made its first leadership decision by supporting Loaves and Fishes with a school-wide canned food drive!  On Wednesday morning, they brought in the posters they made to display throughout our school.  A wonderful shout out to all of our Student Council Members - I was in several classrooms in the morning as they explained to the students what the drive is about, what food is being collected, answering questions, and modeling leadership skills!  Your child(ren) came home with a paper bag for you to place some food items in to be returned to your child’s classroom.  Thank you to our families for supporting those in need.


WHEN: 12/6-12/19 


Please bring non-perishable food items to Swallow Union during the dates listed above to your classroom. Last year we collected 2,000 lbs for our food drive! 

We’d love to match or beat that number this year! 

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”

~Helen Keller

Kindergarten Enrichment Program

Assistance for the Holidays:

We wanted to share with our families that there are community agencies that are able to provide confidential help for GDRSD families that are struggling. If you are in need of some assistance with holiday food and/or gifts, please fill out this form and return it to your child’s teacher or school nurse as soon as possible. Again, all information is strictly confidential. 

Important Dates:

December 15th - PTO General Meeting

December 20th - Report Cards Posted

December 26 - 30th - Winter Vacation

January 2nd - New Year’s Day Observed - No School

January 16th - Martin Luther King Day - No School