Dear SU Families,

  1. I can't believe that this will be my last update for the school year. It sure has gone by quickly. We have had a wonderful and busy school year, and I am so proud of our entire school community. I want to thank our students, staff, and families for your continued commitment in making SU a special place to learn and grow. We will all miss our 4th graders, as they start their new adventure in life.
  2. We are excited for our 4th grade play, Oliver Jr. Shows are tonight at 7:00, tomorrow at 2:00 and 7:00.Tickets are available at the door.
  3. Report Cards will be available on SchoolBrains on Thursday (6/16) in the late afternoon.
  4. Summer Reading Ideas from our Librarian, Erin Mulligan
  5. Here is information for Summer Math Resources: The summer math: (
  6. Information for Summer Reading Resources: Here is the Elementary Summer Reading Website.
  7. Crusader Basketball Camp 2022(open to ALL students who will be in grades 2-8 for the 2022-23 school year) Monday, June 20 - Thursday, June 23 8:30am - 12:30pmBoys Camp will take place at Middle School North and Twomey Center  Girls Camp will take place at GDRHS All students will participate based upon their gender identity. For students who are nonbinary, they may elect which camp they will attend.  Participants should wear active wear, sneakers and bring water and a snack

Follow the link below to register: