Monster Mash

Week of October 23rd, 2023

Looking forward to seeing many of you tonight at the Monster Mash!  In order to have room for a huge turn out, just a reminder to stick to your designated time tonight (this also helps with parking).

K, 1 & Grade 2: 5:00 to 6:30 pm

Grades 3 & 4: 6:30 to 8:00 pm

In order for PTO events like this to be successful and running smoothly so all can enjoy and have fun, please take a minute to review what is expected of you and your children tonight.  These expectations were created by our 4th grade students and align with our Core Values and will be posted throughout the event as a reminder.

The students of Swallow Union Elementary 

believe that…


To meet this goal, these are some positive behavioral expectations for PTO events.

Students will BE RESPECTFUL  

Of other people’s personal space

Of the adults running the events

Of our school building

Of school materials and event decorations

Students will BE KIND TO EACH OTHER:

By speaking kindly to others at the event

By ensuring they make positive and safe choices


By remembering to make sure to include others

By remembering to treat others well

By remembering to be careful around the younger children at the event

Students will BE RESPONSIBLE:

By staying in the area that the event is being held

By following safety rules

By walking in the school

By maintaining an appropriate voice volume for the event

By cleaning up after themselves

Parents/Guardians will BE SUPPORTING the agreed upon expectations:

By actively supervising their student(s) and siblings

By redirecting student(s) and siblings if they are not adhering to the agreed upon rules

By ensuring their student(s) and siblings stay in the designated area for the event 



School Calendar 2023-24

Important Dates:

November 7th - No School - Election Day

November 10th - No School - Veterans Day

November 16th - 2nd Annual Turkey Trot 

November 20th & 21st - Half Day Dismissal 12:15 pm & Parent Conferences

November 22nd - Half Day Dismissal at 12:05 pm

November 23rd & 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess

Prescott Community Center

The Prescott Community Center has organized the 3rd Annual Halloween Hoopla event this Saturday 10/28 from 2-4pm. It will be bigger and better than ever! 

We are partnering with the Family Partnership in Ayer, also a non-profit focused on supporting children and families in surrounding towns. They will have a sensory playroom for toddlers in room 108. We will also have a coloring contest in the room. 

The rest of the games/activities will be in the gym for older children. Plus, there will be 16+ Halloween decorated trunks parked outside the back of the school.

Substitute Nurses Needed:

The Groton-Dunstable Regional School District is looking for substitute School Nurses. Must be an RN. Please contact Lorinda Dishington Ortiz, District Nursing Coordinator, at for more information. Thank you!

School Start Time

The school day begins right at 8:55 am and both bus and parent drop off areas are completed at this time as well.  If you bring your child to school after this time, please park in the parking lot and walk your child into the office to be signed in.  Please do not drop your child off at the front door alone and please refrain from parking in the fire lane for safety reasons.


If your child(ren) will be absent for any reason, parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school by calling in the absence.  All student absences must be reported by 8:55 am by calling (978) 649-7281, choose option #1 and provide your child(rens) name, teacher, and reason for absence.  Anyone who calls after this timeframe may receive an automated call regarding your child’s absence from school without notification.  This is in place to ensure all students are accounted for either at home or in school. 

Wellness Policy

Below please find the District’s Wellness Policy that we follow in order to ensure we are reinforcing healthy habits as well as student allergies.  Teachers will be working with their Room Parents, School Administration, School Nurses and our PTO to ensure food that comes into school for school sponsored events (not including PTO sponsored events) such as special classroom events and school-wide gatherings, adhere to this policy.  Thank you in advance for helping us with this throughout the school year. 

SEPAC Events

G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council

Community Education Fall Offerings

Groton Dunstable Community Education is proud to offer a variety of Fall Programs for all ages and interests:

-Click here to view our catalog. 

-Visit our website for details, account creation and registration.

-Have any program ideas? We would love to hear from you. Please contact the GDCE office