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Swallow Union Update

Week of May 29th, 2023

This was a fast four days of school and the beautiful weather has us gearing up for the summer months ahead.  With only ten days of school to go once we return on Monday, we are looking forward to ending the school year with laughter, fun and friendships, and plenty of new memories!  Wishing the Class of 2023 a wonderful graduation ceremony this evening and much success as they enter into a new chapter of their lives!

Highlights from This Week

Our middle school instrument program was highlighted when they met with our 4th grade students on Thursday to give an instrument demonstration to get them thinking about middle school band!

Grade 4 Move Up Day

Today our 4th graders visited GDRMS where they were greeted by positive messages written in chalk along the sidewalks of the middle school!  They began by meeting in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) where they were greeted by Ms. Salvatore, Principal and Mr. Day, Assistant Principal along with a few of the 5th grade teachers.  Shortly after that, each class had the opportunity to spend time in the 5th grade classrooms where the current 5th graders had made their own game boards and our students got to choose which ones they wished to play.  They also were given peer led small group tours of the 5th grade wing and main areas of the school building.  The positive energy and interactions with all the students and staff was wonderful!

Groton Dunstable Community Education is proud to offer a variety of Summer Programs for all ages:

  • Click here to view our catalog

  • Visit our website here for details and registration..

  • Have any program ideas? We would love to hear from you. Please contact the GDCE office.

Important Dates:

June 5th - Field Day K & 1

June 6th - Field Day Grade 4

June 6th - Field Trip to William's Barn 3rd grade - Colonial Life - 9-12 pm

June 6th - 9:00 am Parent Coffee for Parents of 4th graders hosted by Mrs. Salvatore, GDRMS Principal and Mr. Michael Day, Assistant Principal of Middle School South

June 7th - Field Day Grades 2 & 3

June 6, 8 & 9th - K Music Informances for Families

June 15th - Half Day of School ~ Dismissal at 12:15 pm

June 16th - 4th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 9:30 am

June 16th - Last Day of School & Half Day Dismissal at 12:15 pm


The high school has a foreign exchange student registered for the 23/24 school year.  Shengqi was born in China but has resided in England since he was five years old so his English is excellent.  He will be a freshman and he loves basketball and football.  He is looking for a family to host him on his journey here.  If you would like more information about hosting an international student contact Mary Cain, mcain@gdrsd.org.

Flag Football Clinic 2023

Hosted by the GD Football Program 

When: June 19,20,21



Where: Groton-Dunstable Middle School

Who: Students entering grades 2-6 in fall of 2023

Time: 6-8pm

Cost: $50 cash 

What to Bring: T Shirt, Shorts, Water Bottle, Sneakers or Cleats.

Includes: Camp is organized and coached by Groton-Dunstable Football staff and players. Our mission is to have Groton-Dunstable players teach young athletes the fundamentals of football, including running, passing and throwing, while providing a fun and competitive playing atmosphere. All proceeds go to the GD football program.

SEPAC Events

 G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events