Good afternoon Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School Families.  How are your students doing?  There’s nothing like September tired. 

Important Topics for your to Know

  • Devious Lick-  This is something on TikTok where students steal from or vandalize bathrooms at school then post a video of themselves on TikTok.   We had an incident in our 7th grade boys bathroom this week.  While we do not have cameras in our bathrooms we do have cameras in the halls.  Please partner with us and have a conversation with your children about how serious vandalism is at school.  We will chalk this last incident up to, “we didn’t know this was a thing,” but now that we know we will check cameras and follow any and all consequences that would be logical.  Thank you for your partnership on this.


  • Open House - We will have Open House this Tuesday 9/21

  • In an effort to minimize the amount of adults/ people in a room we have divided Open House into two sessions based on your child’s last name.

  • SESSION 1  child’s last name A-K, Please be at school by 5:55 as we will start promptly at 6:00 in your child’s first period class.  We will have QR codes for you to scan when you walk in for maps of the building.

  • SESSION 2 L-Z will take place around 7:05-7:57 based on your child’s last name.

  • All parents will be required to wear a mask at all times.

  • You will have 7 mins in each class.

  • Teachers will meet with you and discuss what we have been working on in the first 4 weeks of school to support your child's Social Emotional Wellness and Academic needs.

  • I have received some requests to attend both sessions or a different session than the one you would attend.  I have had to tell families, no.  I hope you understand.  We are holding Open House this way so as to keep our numbers down in the classrooms and ensure that everyone involved feels comfortable coming into the school buildings.  Thank you for your partnership in this.  

  • We are 1 week into our work with Catie’s Closet and we have been busy filling bins with gently used clothes.  THANK YOU  to our GD community for your support. 

Catie’s Closet Website:

  • I have received some emails about Schoolbrains and wanting to see what your children are working on or owe.  Please remember this is only the end of our first full week of school. There may not be a lot in schoolbrains at this point.  Teachers are encouraged to post every two weeks. 

  • The Middle School does Shout Outs.  This is something that we do both internally and externally with your help.  If you wish to give a Shout Out to a teacher or a team for their work with your child please email me.

  • Thursday, September 23rd SEPAC in partnership with GDEF is excited to bring to you, Janell Burley Hofmann.   Janell Burley Hofmann is an international author, speaker and consultant specializing on the topics of technology, media, health, relationships and well-being. Janell is the creator of the original iPhone contract and a thought leader in the space of digital mindfulness, digital parenting and intentional use of tech. She is the author of the book, iRules: What Every Tech-Healthy Family Needs to Know About Selfies, Sexting, Gaming and Growing Up published by Rodale, Inc. Janell is the founder of the Slow Tech Movement and iRules Academy

  • 7:00-8:30 PM on Zoom

  • Register in advance for this webinar:


  • Please fill out Janell’s pre-event questionnaire with any of your technology questions and concerns so that she can prepare for the discussion.  The link  is confidential and will only be seen by Janell.


NEW WEBSITE AND APP: We’re thrilled to announce Groton-Dunstable Regional School District’s new app and website! The website is 'live' at Download the app on Android: or iPhone: The app and website will have a concise way for our staff and parents to access documents, events, news updates, and more!  We look forward to working together to make this a great hub of communication for each other and for all of our families in Groton and Dunstable.  

Sincerely, Wendy Salvatore your GDRMS Principal