Weekly News


Monday - April 8, 2024 - Term 3 Report Cards Published


April 15-19, 2024 - Spring Break/No School

Friday - May 10, 2024 - Curriculum 1/2 Day: 10:50 release.

Saturday -  May 18, 2024 - Prom

Friday - May 31, 2024 - Graduation


THE WAIT IS OVER! The GD Players' production of The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood premieres TONIGHT at 7 PM! After weeks of hard work and endless practice, we are proud to present our final production of this school year. Do not fret if you can't make it to opening night, as there are two shows TOMORROW April 6th, at 2 PM and 7 PM. If you're still looking for more about the play, the wonderful folks at The Groton Channel put together a piece about all that has gone into making this show possible. We have attached a link to this piece below. Don't miss your last chance to see the GD Players in action until November!

Groton Channel Newsflash: GD Players Present The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood


Spring 2024 Team Photos Available for Purchase

To the Families of Spring Sports Athletes,

Mark Lawrence photographers took team photos on Tuesday, 4/2/24. You can pre-order your official team photo by clicking on this link.


This July we will be running our annual Camp Sunshine Volunteer Trip! The trip will run from Monday, July 8th - Friday, July 12th. Please be aware that students must be 16 at the time of the trip per Camp Sunshine Policy. 

Camp Sunshine is a retreat for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. This camp supports families who have children in various stages of the illness. Its mission is to provide a retreat for the entire family – the ill child, the parents and the siblings. This program is free for the families and is staffed by thousands of volunteers each year. Camp Sunshine is located in Casco, Maine. Students attending this trip will be volunteering as counselors for the week.  

Applications must be turned in by 2 PM on Friday, April 26, 2024. Applications should be given to Mrs. Carlozzi in room 105. Applications can be found here or can be found outside room 105. More information regarding the trip can be found in the application and information about Camp Sunshine can be found at their website: www.campsunshine.org

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Kerrie Carlozzi at kcarlozzi@gdrsd.org


The Class of 2026 will be holding an online fundraiser from 3/18 - 4/11 through Meadow Farms Fundraising. They have a variety of items including kitchen/storage, home decor, candles, holiday gifts, and more! The best part of this fundraiser is that it is all virtual! Anyone who wants to order can do this online and all items will be shipped directly to you! There are two ways to order:

  1. Reach out to a member of the Class of 2026 for their individual page.

  2. Use this link, which takes you to the Class page and allows you to order from the group page instead of the individual seller's page. 

Both options will give the Class of 2026 the same amount of money. Questions can be directed to the class of 2026 advisors, Ms. Harrington (charrington@gdrsd.org) and Mrs. Carlozzi (kcarlozzi@gdrsd.org). Thank you in advance for your support! 



Emerson Health is running a bike camp to help more than 40 children with special needs learn to ride a bike!

Each camper requires volunteers to help motivate and spot them as they learn to bike. Camp is an amazing experience for all involved. Typically, volunteers run for part or most of the 75 min sessions.

For more information and to register to volunteer, visit: https://icanshine.org/ican-bike-groton-ma/. Volunteer Online Registration: https://forms.gle/A4xyu21uLuixNMCy7

Sessions are available daily, Monday through Friday. Please sign up for any day and or hours that work for you.



MEFA NEWS  Students should begin receiving financial aid offers this month. MEFA is here with resources to help families compare aid offers, select a school, and make a payment strategy. We encourage you to share our guidance below with the students you serve.  CLICK HERE FOR OUR WEBSITE.

Register for a Webinar : Our What to Expect When You Receive Your Financial Aid Offers and Guidance on Paying the College Bill live webinars for families describe the different types of financial aid, explain how to calculate the balance due at each college, and review methods for paying for college costs, including payment plans and loans.  REGISTER

COLLEGE QUEST: Starting the College Selection Journey

With almost 4,000 colleges and universities in the US, how do you decide which ones are right for you? You’ve probably heard conflicting opinions from family members, friends, teachers, and social media: all this “advice” can be overwhelming!

By the end of College Quest Workshop, you will have a clearer understanding of the factors that matter most to you and a roadmap for your next steps to finalizing your perfect school list. 

At the workshop, you will: 

  • Learn the three components necessary to frame your search: your values, preferences, and parameters (academic and financial)

  • Discover how to identify schools that fit your values and preferences and match your parameters

  • Review how to effectively research the schools on your resulting list

The workshop is intended for high school students and their caregivers. Bringing laptops or tablets and a pen is encouraged.

Attention Seniors!  Scholarships are here.  They can be found in your Naviance Account or on the Guidance Website.  Check back often, as new scholarships continue to arrive.