Weekly News


March 26/27, 2024, Tuesday/Wednesday - ELA MCAS

April 1, 2024, Monday - Beginning of Term 4

April 5, 2024, Friday - Early Release 

April 8, 2024, Monday - Term 3 Report Cards Published

April 15-19, 2024 - Spring Break/No School


The Robotomies had another great competition this past weekend at Reading Memorial High School.  The team was awarded with the Industrial Design Award which celebrates the team that demonstrates industrial design principles, striking balance between form, function, and aesthetics.  The judges specifically noted the design and documentation, efficient pneumatics, and the elegant indicator lights designed for both decoration and to communicate various robot conditions to the operator from across the field.

Our robot, Frank, in the pits.

Our senior members: Amy Loveless, Gergo Furesz, April Soynanhang, Tyler Kennedy, and Pavel Belakurski.


Click here to watch the show


Now that Spring sports have started all User Fee Obligations must be paid by next Wednesday March 27th in order for your child to continue to participate.

If you have already paid your user fee with a check or online, please disregard this message.


The Class of 2026 will be holding an online fundraiser from 3/18 - 4/11 through Meadow Farms Fundraising. They have a variety of items including kitchen/storage, home decor, candles, holiday gifts, and more! The best part of this fundraiser is that it is all virtual! Anyone who wants to order can do this online and all items will be shipped directly to you! There are two ways to order:

  1. Reach out to a member of the Class of 2026 for their individual page.

  2. Use this link, which takes you to the Class page and allows you to order from the group page instead of the individual seller's page. 

Both options will give the Class of 2026 the same amount of money. Questions can be directed to the class of 2026 advisors, Ms. Harrington (charrington@gdrsd.org) and Mrs. Carlozzi (kcarlozzi@gdrsd.org). Thank you in advance for your support! 


Emerson Health is running a bike camp to help more than 40 children with special needs learn to ride a bike!

Each camper requires volunteers to help motivate and spot them as they learn to bike. Camp is an amazing experience for all involved. Typically, volunteers run for part or most of the 75 min sessions.

For more information and to register to volunteer, visit: https://icanshine.org/ican-bike-groton-ma/. Volunteer Online Registration: https://forms.gle/A4xyu21uLuixNMCy7

Sessions are available daily, Monday through Friday. Please sign up for any day and or hours that work for you.


The GD Players' production of The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood is fast approaching. As the cast and crew prepare for opening night on Friday, April 5th, we decided to go inside and speak with some of the members of the show and see what they thought of this production. 

Orion Fayne is a junior and will be performing the role of Little John in the upcoming show, this is nothing new to Orion as they have been a part of the GD Players since their freshman year. We asked Orion what they have taken away from working on this production and they had this to say, "The ability to work off each other, and bounce off another person's lines comically is such a different style that I've loved learning,". Orion clarified, "bouncing off each other" in a figurative sense not a physical one, but that doesn't mean there is any lack of physical humor in this show. 

At the GD Players' last production, The 15th Annual Festival of One-Act Plays, Piper Gagne made their on stage debut for the GD Players. We decided to ask them about how their experience working on a larger show has differed from their first production. "I only had 13 lines in my first show, but now I have 85 in this one, so there's quite a big jump there," said Gagne, "I’m still learning the ropes of how theatre works, but everyone is super helpful and doesn’t push me away just cause I’m not entirely sure of what I’m doing,". Piper will be playing the role of Will Scarlet.

We also caught up with another junior, Lucian Keane, who will be performing the role of Prince John and also serves as the show's costume chief. When asked about how he has gained from working on the show, Keane responded, "My sewing skills have definitely improved with putting together so many tunics, and dresses,  medieval clothes aren't really something you can just buy,". 

 As this is the last production of the school year for the GD Players that also entails that this is the final production that this year's senior class will work on as members of the Players. We asked what kind words the interviewees had to say about what they would miss most from this year's seniors when they are gone. "They're really fun and bring an energy to rehearsal and Drama Guild that makes all of this whole lot more doable," said Keane. "These are the people I've been doing theatre with since I was a freshman," replied Fayne, "It's going to be a little strange not having them around anymore,". "Them in general,". Gagne continued, "They make everything feel a little less empty. They each have their own little things that make them amazing,". 

The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood will open Friday, April 5th at 7 PM. There will be two more shows on Saturday, April 6th at 2 PM and 7 PM. All shows will be at Groton-Dunstable Regional High School. We would like to extend our thanks to Orion Fayne, Piper Gagne, and Lucian Keane for their help in this process, Director Mr. Snodgrass, as well as the entire cast and crew of Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood.



The 2024 Grade 10 English Language Arts MCAS is next week on Tuesday, March 26, and Wednesday, March 27. This test is a state graduation requirement.

For the last three Wednesdays, your children's 9th and 10th grade English teachers have met them in the Black Box theatre to review testing strategies and to encourage students to take their time on the test and give their best effort.

We believe our students are ready for the test, but doing well takes effort and stamina. Each day, your children will be writing two essays and answering a variety of multiple choice questions. Because the essays take thoughtful planning and require evidence, most of our students take at least three to blocks to complete the test each day.

We ask that you encourage your children to give their best and do what you can to make sure they get sufficient sleep and eat well so that they can maintain their energy and focus.


The GDRHS Peer Leaders Club received a generous grant from The Groton Fund to welcome In Control Family Foundation to our school on April 29th. (www.DriveInControl.org)

With In Control instructors behind the wheel, students will experience a series of increasingly faster drills to educate them on:

  • The impact of speed on the ability to control the vehicle

  • How much longer it takes to stop with just a slight increase in speed

  • What it feels like to experience a panic stop from 45MPH

  • The role seat belts plays in keeping you behind the wheel/in control in an emergency

  • How much even the slightest delay in response to a road hazard increases your chance of a crash.

A waiver has been emailed to parents and is required for a student to participate.  You do not need to be a licensed driver or even have a permit to participate.

Students that are interested can bring their signed waiver to the library to sign up for a time slot.  The number of time slots is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.   If you have any questions, you can email: kmcmanus@gdrsd.org  Questions about In Control can be directed to Dan@idriveincontrol.org


Join us March 23, 2024 at the Groton Country Club for a fun night out to support Groton-Dunstable schools with grants that directly benefit our GDRSD students. Advance tickets only. Please check out https://www.gdefinc.org/tnp for more information and to register your trivia team! Doors open at 7pm, trivia starts at 7:30pm...and the fun starts when YOU join us!


Don't Miss Out! Financial Aid 101 Webinar on March 27th

Just a quick reminder to register for the upcoming webinar, "Financial Aid 101: How to Maximize Financial Aid & Scholarships," presented by College Aid Pro.

Date: March 27th

Time: 6:00 pm ET

Register Here: Link

Even if you can't attend live, registering ensures you'll receive a recording of the session the next day. Don't miss out on valuable insights to help fund your education journey!

College Aid Pro:  How to Maximize Financial Aid & Scholarships- March 27, 2024 6 pm 

Register here: https://collegeaidpro.zoom.us/webinar/register/5517098277304/WN_i2UZE3p6Qm2rhSAT7cuu1Q

Join College Aid Pro for a webinar on mastering college financial aid! 

Learn how to maximize resources, avoid common mistakes, and unlock opportunities:

1. Discover how to become eligible for financial aid.

2. Explore scholarship options for your student.

3. Learn strategies for securing scholarships, even without aid qualifications.

4. Get insider tips on FAFSA dos and don'ts, including 2024/2025 updates.

5. Gain essential advice for business owners and homeowners.

6. Get insights tailored for divorced or separated families.

Register now to secure your spot! Can't attend live? No problem. You'll receive the recording after the event by registering. 

Attention Seniors!  Scholarships are here.  They can be found in your Naviance Account or on the Guidance Website.  Check back often, as new scholarships continue to arrive.

GDRHS LOOKING FOR HOST FAMILIES:  We are currently looking for Host Families for our International Exchange Student Program for the upcoming 24/25 school year.  If you would like more information, please contact Mary Cain at mcain@gdrsd.org.