Wkly News


March 22, 2024, Friday - Curriculum Day Early Release (10:50)

March 26/27, 2024, Tuesday/Wednesday - ELA MCAS

April 1, 2024, Monday - Beginning of Term 4

April 15-19, 2024 - Spring Break/No School


To all our high school drivers, new and with a few years of experience.  There have been two major accidents in less than a month due to speeding and distracted driving.  There are many windy roads in Groton and Dunstable and it is imperative that everyone uses caution when they are driving. Please abide by the speed limits and watch for trees in the road, people walking, etc. Let’s work to keep everyone safe.

Just a reminder: the speed limit is 25 in Groton, 30 in Dunstable.

Thank you.


Our district will be administering the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) to students in Grades 6 and 8 on Wednesday, March 20th, and Grades 9 to 12 on Friday, March 21st.

This year’s survey should take students 20 minutes to complete.  Students will be taking the surveys on a secure website.  The surveys are anonymous and voluntary.  The surveys collect information regarding at-risk behaviors.  Data from the surveys will be compiled to assist the Groton Regional School District in planning future health and wellness initiatives.

For more information about the survey, please review the YRBS letter and FAQs, 2024.   For parents/guardians interested in reviewing the survey before the administration dates, please submit a request to Jill Greene, Director of Student Services at jgreene@gdrsd.org.  Participation in this anonymous survey is voluntary.  Parents/guardians may choose to exempt their student from participation.  If after viewing the survey, you choose to opt-out your student form taking this survey, please complete the YRBS Spring 2024 Opt Out form.  Students may also choose to opt out of taking the survey or if taking the survey, they may choose not to answer specific questions.

If you have additional questions, please contact Jill Greene, Director of Student Services, at  jgreene@gdrsd.org.  Thank you for your support in this important endeavor.


The GDRHS Peer Leaders Club received a generous grant from The Groton Fund to welcome In Control Family Foundation to our school on April 29th. (www.DriveInControl.org)

With In Control instructors behind the wheel, students will experience a series of increasingly faster drills to educate them on:

  • The impact of speed on the ability to control the vehicle

  • How much longer it takes to stop with just a slight increase in speed

  • What it feels like to experience a panic stop from 45MPH

  • The role seat belts plays in keeping you behind the wheel/in control in an emergency

  • How much even the slightest delay in response to a road hazard increases your chance of a crash.

A waiver has been emailed to parents and is required for a student to participate.  

Students that are interested can bring their signed waiver to the library to sign up for a time slot.  The number of time slots is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.   If you have any questions, you can email: kmcmanus@gdrsd.org

Questions about In Control can be directed to Dan@idriveincontrol.org


Our annual Best Buddies Talent Show has undergone some changes for this year. Instead of an evening event, we will be showing our prerecorded talents during our chapter meeting on March 20th at 2:00 pm. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us to watch our amazing acts! The recording will be available to view on the Groton Channel as well.



Attention Seniors!  Scholarships are here.  They can be found in your Naviance Account or on the Guidance Website.  Check back often, as new scholarships continue to arrive.

GDRHS LOOKING FOR HOST FAMILIES:  We are currently looking for Host Families for our International Exchange Student Program for the upcoming 24/25 school year.  If you would like more information, please contact Mary Cain at mcain@gdrsd.org.