Weekly News


February 19 - 23, 2024 - Winter Break

February 27, 2024, Tuesday - Midpoint Term 3

February 29, 2024, Thursday  - College Information Night for Junior Parent/Guardians

March 7, 2024, Thursday - HS Semester 2 Open House (6:00 pm)

March 22, 2024, Friday - Curriculum Day Early Release (10:50)

March 26/27, 2024, Tuesday/Wednesday - ELA MCAS


Orders are due for Semester Two AP Courses.  If you have not already submitted your payment, please do so by March 1, 2024.  The cost is $110 per exam.  Checks should be made out to GDRHS.

If you decide you do not wish to take the exam you must inform your teacher and myself  before the order deadline of March 1, 2024.  Note:  You will not receive AP weight if you opt out, you will only receive honors weight for that class.

Each Exam ordered after the deadline will be charged a $40 late fee.  If you order the exam and do not take it, you will only receive a partial refund of $70.

If you have any questions about the college board exam registration, deadlines, policies or fees, or if you wish to opt out, please contact Mary Cain  mcain@gdrsd.org

Mailing address:


703 Chicopee Row

Groton MA  01450


Spring Sports registration is now open.  Please make sure all user fees for Fall and Winter are paid in full.  

If any girls are interested in Golf this Spring at Ayer/Shirley please click the link below:    


If any boys are interested in playing Volleyball at North Middlesex, please click the link below:



On Thursday, February 29th, the Groton-Dunstable guidance department will be hosting a college presentation, designed for junior parents and guardians. The presentation will be held at 6pm that evening in the Black Box Theater at the high school. They will discuss beginning the college research process / timeline, standardized testing, and other resources to help you and your students navigate the college application process. We hope to see you there! 


CAREERS IN HEALTHCARE:  A group of 14 juniors were able to attend Lowell General Hospital's Careers in Healthcare field trip on Wednesday, February 14th. The students were able to get a full morning tour of many departments at the hospital, including Surgery (operating room), Pharmacy, Sports Medicine, and EMT/Paramedics. Thank you to the Lowell General for having us and for the students that attended for being such great representatives of GDRHS!

BAE SYSTEMS FOCUS PROGRAM:  BAE Systems will be offering another session of the FOCUS Program beginning in April 2024. FOCUS is an 11-week in person program which provides hands-on experiences in STEM fields to help grow students' interest in technical education and careers.

 The program takes place at BAE Systems Nashua Canal Street facility from April 3 through June 12. Students will participate on Wednesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. You can learn more about FOCUS on their website: www.baesystems.com/focus

 Students in grades 9 – 12 from schools within a reasonable driving distance from Southern New Hampshire are welcome to apply for the program through March 15, 2024. Their application is hosted on Tallo: https://app.tallo.com/talent/opportunity/view/95eda271-9257-48d5-8a5c-4ede466600fa  (note: students will need to create a Tallo profile to apply, this is easy and free and compliant with NH student privacy standards).

 Questions may be directed to their program team via focus.nashua@baesystems.com.

Attention Seniors!  Scholarships are here.  They can be found in your Naviance Account or on the Guidance Website.  Check back often, as new scholarships continue to arrive.

GDRHS LOOKING FOR HOST FAMILIES:  We are currently looking for Host Families for our International Exchange Student Program for the upcoming 24/25 school year.  If you would like more information, please contact Mary Cain at mcain@gdrsd.org.