Principal's Update 8/26/22

August 26, 2022

Dear Florence Roche Families,

Welcome to another school year at Florence Roche!  I hope everyone enjoyed the summer break.  This is an exciting time of year as we anticipate the return of our students.  I want to welcome all of our new families into the Florence Roche school community.  We have a strong sense of community and value acceptance and belonging for all of our community members.  Our staff was busy this summer participating in a variety of professional activities and preparing for the start of the school year.  We also took some time to refresh and recharge with our families, so that we can be our best as we begin the new school year.  I am excited for you to meet the many new staff members we have joining us this year.  Each of them brings a passion for this work and a commitment to being a positive member of our school community.  If you haven’t yet, take a few minutes to meet the staff in this virtual “Meet the Staff” presentation.

Our first day of school for students in grades 1-4 is Wednesday, August 31st.  Kindergarten students have screening scheduled on 8/31 and will have their first school day on Thursday, September 1st.  The school day for students runs from 8:55am-3:20pm with a 3:10 dismissal on full day Fridays..  We have early release days on some of our Fridays with dismissal for students at 12:15pm.  Here is the District Calendar for 2022-2023 for your reference.

Once again, there will be no charge for school lunch this year.  We do ask that you order in advance on the website FD MealPlanner so that our kitchen team knows how many lunches to prepare.  This will help to minimize food waste and ensure all students have lunch.

Construction on the new school has been moving right along this summer.  Phase one that included relocating the track behind middle school south is nearly complete.  The work behind Florence Roche included utilities installation, major site work and pouring the footings and frost walls.  You can start to see the outline of our new building!

The construction will not impact our existing arrival and dismissal procedures.  Parents will continue to drop off in a moving car line in the front traffic circle and walk up to the front door if they choose to pick up their student at the end of the day.  The buses will continue to drop off and pick up students at 3 separate stops around the building.  Here is our arrival and dismissal plan for 2022-2023 for your reference. 

Here is some important information from our health office in regards to the opening of school.  Please review and follow up with our health office if you have any questions.

With the start of the school year approaching the health office at Florence Roche has a few reminders for parents.

Any new student coming into Florence Roche, kindergarten or any other grade level, requires a copy of a recent physical exam (within the past year) and up to date immunizations prior to the first day of school. 

Also, any student that requires medication during the school day, whether it is prescription or over the counter medication, a daily medication or given on an as needed basis REQUIRES an order from their doctor as well as a parent consent form signed.  Please see below for links to the required forms.  All prescription medication must be in the original prescription bottle and over the counter medications must have your child's name and date of birth on the container.  As a reminder medication needs to be transported to and from school by an adult.

Required consent forms:

Doctor's Medication Order Form

Doctor's Order Form for EPI-PEN ONLY

Parent Consent Form For All Medications-EXCEPT EPI-PEN

Parent Consent Form for EPI-PEN


Thank you

Florence Roche Health Office



Our PTA is very active in supporting enriching activities for our students and providing resources for our staff.  There are many ways for you to get involved in supporting all of their great work for our school community.  Please consider joining our PTA and getting involved this year.

Most recently, a few of our board members and helpful assistants spent time making sure our playground was looking good and ready for our students.  Thank you for all of your support!




Enjoy these last days of summer vacation.  See you soon!

