May 15, 2022

Dear Florence Roche Families,

We ended our week with a couple of exciting school community activities.  On Friday afternoon and early evening, families gathered outside of our high school and enjoyed an all grade level chorus concert.  Between performances, families were treated to an indoor art exhibit celebrating a variety of pieces from all of our students and the many talented artists across the district.  Mr. Wiesner and Ms. Stoddard spent many hours preparing our singers and artists for this special event.  Our PTA, led by Beth Pendal and Kim Dindial, made this a welcoming and enjoyable evening for all. 


I had a great time on Saturday night with many Florence Roche families.  We all enjoyed a night out at the ballpark to cheer on the New Hampshire Fisher Cats.  It was a beautiful night to be in the park and the post game fireworks were the perfect cap to such a fun night.  There were many memorable moments including our students competing in a dance off judged by the entire stadium and a few of our lucky students winning gift cards for correctly finding the hidden ball.  However, I’m most proud of the Florence Roche representative’s successful spark of a late game “wave” that made it all around the park!  We had hoped this would be the spark the Fisher Cats needed to rally for a win, but unfortunately it fell short.  Thank you to Joey Tomaino for organizing this family event. 


Help Wanted!

We are looking for a substitute nurse to help us during our grade level field days on June 7th, 8th and 9th.  This is a half-day commitment in the morning from approximately 9:30-11:30.  If you are able to help us out on one day or all 3, we could use you. We are looking for a nurse to be onsite during the field day to provide care to students participating in the different activities.  Field Day will be held outside of the Twomey Center, so access to our health office is not convenient for bandaids, ice packs, etc.  If you are interested, please call or email me.

As a final reminder, MCAS testing is scheduled for our grades 3 and 4 students this week.  Thank you in advance for making sure your student arrives at school on time after getting a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast.

Enjoy the day!
