
Dear Florence Roche Families,

You will notice the temporary green fencing in place around the front lawn when you visit our school.  Our facilities team installed this today in anticipation of the construction fencing to be installed some time around the end of the month.  We will be adjusting our outdoor recess space to now include our front lawn as we will no longer be using the back field.  

It’s been great to see so many parents visiting classrooms again as mystery readers.  Students always get excited when visitors come in.  Mrs. Kinneen is inviting “Heart Heros” into the gym next week.  Students did an amazing job with the Kids Heart Challenge and as a school we raised over $10,000 to support the American Heart Association!  If you are interested in joining our Heart Heros Celebration in the gym with Mrs. Kinneen and her students, check out this link for all the details.

 details on Bring a Pal to PE, no sign up required.  Pop in during your child's scheduled Physical Education time and feel free to stay five minutes or the whole forty!  

Additionally all students are invited to bring a small (fits in their backpack) stuffed animal pal on their PE day next week, whether or not they will be having a grown-up join them!  

Students and staff are encouraged to show some school spirit on Bruin’s Day, Thursday, March 24th.  Wear your black and gold as the Bruins prepare for their playoff run!  The Bruins and attending Bruins games were a favorite activity for Cassidy. What a great way to show our support!  

As a reminder, the kindergarten information session is scheduled for this Thursday, March 24th from 6:30-7:30pm in the Florence Roche gymnasium.  The kindergarten team and other relevant staff members will be in attendance to share information about our kindergarten program and answer your questions.  If you know of any incoming kindergarten students for next year, please help us spread the word about our information session.  Kindergarten registration will officially open on Friday, March 25th.  

Save the date!  The 2022 GDRSD K-12 Fine Art Festival will take place during the week of May 9th.  The Florence Roche Students will be performing on Friday, May 13th.  Student artwork will be on display at the high school during the entire week.  More details will be communicated as we get closer to the event.

Have a great weekend!
