We are inviting all parents and guardians to a virtual Parent Education Session on loss and grief with Kristin Kowalski, School and Community Outreach Grief Specialist from CareDimensions next Wednesday, January 26th, 11am-12pm and 7:00pm-8:00pm. Families are welcome to attend either session, or both. The link to this session will be sent next week.

In addition, we invite parents and guardians to an open discussion tomorrow, Friday, January 21st from 12:30pm-1:15pm, with Nancy Caporello, School Psychologist, Jennifer Schultz-Bray, School Counselor, and Marla De La Cruz, Coordinator of Mental and Behavioral Health; “Talking with Students about loss and grief”.  This is open to all families who would like guidance talking with children about our recent loss. If you need some support specific to initiating conversations or responding to your child's questions.  Please use this link below for tomorrow’s meeting:

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