
Dear Florence Roche Families,

The Book Fair is Coming!  Our PTA sponsored Scholastic Book Fair will be here the week of October 25th with a family shopping night scheduled for Thursday, 10/28 from 5:30-7:30.  In celebration of reading and the upcoming book fair, Florence Roche students have been presented with a reading challenge that will begin next week.  Each class will have a target number of minutes to read over the 2 weeks with a total school goal of 5,250 minutes.  Rumor has it that Mrs. Taylor and I will be outfitted in memorable costumes if our students meet this goal.  Knowing our readers, I better get my costume ready!  Be on the lookout for more information coming home from our PTA.

The Groton-Dunstable SEPAC is sponsoring an evening with speaker Jon Mattleman on Thursday, 10/21 from 7:00-8:30.  This virtual parent and caregiver presentation on how we can manage anxiety, optimize resilience, and keep our family in balance through the influence of COVID-19.  Here is the link for more information and to register for the virtual presentation.  Jon Mattleman Presentation

We are still looking for parents interested in serving as a member of the Florence Roche School Council.  Please contact me at bodonoghue@gdrsd.org if you would like more information about this role.

If you are interested in working 4 hours a week on Wednesday mornings, we are looking for parents to support our weekly COVID safety checks.  This work involves assisting students with the swabbing process and collecting samples.  A medical background is not required.  Training will be provided.  Contact bodonoghue@gdrsd.org if you are interested.

Have a great weekend!
