Director's Note

Dear Families,

Overview of the Week: Ten students from Groton School came to Boutwell as part of their community service day! The children enjoyed playing with their new friends. Please see the pictures from the event:


Open House: Open House is on Tuesday, October 25th! During this time, the teachers will be providing an overview of the curriculum and a snapshot of the children’s day. Therapists will also be available to talk about their focus. Please note, individual parent/teacher conferences will be at a later date.

ECAC: The Early Childhood Advisory Council is a group of parents, community members, teachers, etc. who come together to discuss programs and plans for Boutwell. We are currently forming a new ECAC and would love volunteers to join! There will be 3 afternoon meetings this year- November, February, and May. The exact dates will be announced next week.

Upcoming Events: Monday, 10-24-22 is the costume sale! This event will be held at Florence Roche, in the cafeteria. There are over 100 costumes to look through/choose from! Thank you for supporting Boutwell!

Nursing Updates: 

Holiday Help - If you are in need of some assistance for holiday food and/or gifts, please fill out the attached form and return it to your child’s teacher or school nurse as soon as possible. The deadline for Thanksgiving meal assistance is November 10th. If you have questions, Mrs. Ortiz can be reached at 978-448-2297 ext. 5014 or

Be well,
